It’s like a sounding sculpture .It’s soothing and relieves anxiety.It is heart and soul of dialogue.It is lucky enough to become a member of Handpan family.


Each scale have a video on the YouKu and YouTube, from there you can feel the melody and timbre of all scales. Those might help you to choose. New videos will be updated aperiodically.


We record each scale. All the audios are in XiMaLaYa FM. The audio the scales are in high –bit-rate. Those might help you to choose. New audios will be updated aperiodically.


We recommend you Handpan performers from China. They are also professional percussionists or great designers. You can know more from their personal websites. They also show you playing Xuansound Handpan.


It is lucky enough to become a member of Handpan family. We remain independent and maintain a deep understanding of technology. Every path of growing is full of innumerable hardly stories, our growing also came through and viewed the Handpan development. I think we know what we want to do, don’t just imitate others, try not to repeat ourselves. We try hard not to. Most importantly, we should always stick to our styles, and have our own personality and taste. We will keep moving forward. Xuansound Handpan maker


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